Pure PX is all about assisting you with creating a personal experience (PX) of life you have reason to value.

With my Pure PX approach, I combine the empathy and transference of counselling with the pragmatism of user centred design methods into Personal Experience (PX) design to assist people along the whole spectrum of healing to empowering them to create a life in accordance with their needs, nature and aspirations.

Counselling are professional activities that utilise an interpersonal relationship to enable people to develop self-understanding and to make changes in their lives.

Personal Experience (PX) design considers every element which shapes the personal experience and applies design thinking and methods to solving problems in living.

Combined, these two schools form a holistic approach to support people with reducing their suffering and realising their potential.

What is Personal Experience (PX) design?

  • Personal Experience (PX) refers to any interaction a person has within themselves, others and the environment.
  • PX design considers every element which shapes this experience, how it makes the person feel, and how to build a well-lived and balanced life.
  • PX design applies design thinking and methods to solving problems in living. It includes defining the areas in the person or their life they would benefit from changing, coming up with ideas for solutions, experimenting and ongoing iteration.

How does it work?

PX design approaches the person, the greater system they are part of, and their personal life like a designer would when creating worlds, services, products or solve problems.

Rather than placing the user at the centre, which is the case for user centric (UX) design, we place you at the centre of the design process. Taking the perspective of you being you, and seeing yourself in service to yourself, those you love, others you connect with and the world you live.

With my assistance as counsellor and design facilitator we will define your intent, purpose, ‘users’ – that is people you interact with or influence, the ‘system’ you are part of, your value proposition (strengths), goals, outcomes, success measures, attitudes, beliefs and behaviours.

We will discover and highlight your strengths and weaknesses and work on those you select.

With the help of design tools as they are used in user experience (UX) design you will be able to work on creating a blueprint for a life experience which suits you personally. With the help of counselling methods, such as CBT or ACT, we can work on behavioural change and managing stress or those aspects you don’t have control over.

What are the benefits?

When you apply experience design methods, you are placed into the driver seat of designing your life experience.

With yourself in the diver seat, you are creating yourself, your life and to the extent you can influence, the world around you.

PX design is an approach which can help you build a meaningful and balanced life that suits you as a person.

Who is the client suitable to apply PX design to create their life?

  • PX is design is for anyone who wants to take charge of their life, regardless of who or where they are, what they do for a living, or how young or old they are.
  • The person applying PX design needs to have a desire to put effort into creating their life.
  • PX is design is for anyone who wants to take charge of their life, regardless of who or where they are, what they do for a living, or how young or old they are.
  • Passive passengers of life or people with a high sense of self-entitlement are not suited for PX design.

To get started, help yourself to:

The following services are available in both English and German:

15 min non-obligatory discovery call to find out if I can assist with your current needs and to answer your questions. Phone. (no charge)

Counselling session – Face to face in Salisbury or Nimbin, online or phone ($120 – 1 hour)
(Medibank/AHM rebates apply)

Transform your life mapping A future focused experience design session to visually map out your story, highlight hot spots, strengths, needs, goals and steps forward. Face to face or online. ($200 – 2 hours)

Book an Appointment